2025 Feis Maitiú Syllabus Released

The 2025 Feis Maitiú Syllabus is now available.  Click here for copy.

The 2025 Feis calendar is available here.

The 2025 Feis Conditions and Regulations are available here.

The 2025 Feis Closing date is Wednesday, 4th December, 2024 at 2.00pm.

Copies of the 2025 Syllabus has been sent to all those on our mailing list.  A number have bounced back or failed to deliver.  If you are on our regular mailing list and have not received a message, please contact us, by email, immediately.

Any new teacher who wishes to register with the Feis Office to receive updates and messages about the Feis, please fill in this form and return to us by the 27th Sept. at the latest for inclusion in the 2025 Feis season.

Please note that we do not have any available stewards in the office for the month of September.  If you need any further information, please email at [email protected] and we will get back to you as quickly as possible.

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