2025 Feis Regulations



Submission of an entry implies agreement by the performer to abide by these conditions and regulations. The interpretation of the following Conditions and Regulations shall be subject to the discretion of the Executive Board. The decision of the Adjudicator shall in all cases be decisive as to merit. In all other cases the decisions of the Advisory Board shall be final. Any breach of these Regulations renders the Performer liable to forfeit the prize awarded. Objections to interpretation of regulations or results must be put in writing and submitted to the Advisory Board for review.


a) Entries for all Classes should be completed on Official Feis Maitiú Entry Forms, accompanied by FULL ENTRY FEE and must reach the Festival Office no later than 4.00 pm WEDNESDAY, 4th DECEMBER, 2024. After this date entries may be accepted, at the discretion of the Executive Board, accompanied by DOUBLE ENTRY FEE, up to and including Monday, 9th December, 2024. After this latter date, entries may be accepted in exceptional circumstances.

b) Online entries close at midday on WEDNESDAY, 4th DECEMBER, 2024.

FEES ARE NOT REFUNDABLE. The Executive reserve the right to accept or refuse entries at their discretion. The entry fee will only be returned if a Class is cancelled by the Feis, except for the case of force majeure. PERFORMERS CAN ONLY SUBMIT ONE ENTRY PER CLASS.

It is necessary for teachers and parents of performers with limited physical capabilities or special needs to be aware of the limitations imposed by the stage and surrounding environment. Please notify well in advance, the Feis Director (for the attention of the Adjudicator) any such information that would impact on the performance.



Please check out the Feis website (www.feismaitiu.ie) and our Social Media pages for Feis Office opening  hours.  All enquiries should be sent by email to [email protected] and we will get back to you as soon as possible.



In cases where a Class is divided into sections, the Trophy will be awarded to the highest mark over the subsections.  Trophies will be awarded for a limited period and must be returned to the Feis Office by the end of the 2025 Feis Season.


5. AGE

In all Junior Sections, Performers must not have passed the age stated for these Classes on 31st December, 2024. Example: Performers aged 12 years on 31st December, 2024, should enter for 12 Years and Under. Performers are advised to enter for age level particular to them. The Executive Board reserves the right to request sufficient proof to be produced in Classes where a Performer’s eligibility is in doubt. Failure to comply with this regulation will lead to immediate disqualification. Information sheet on age range is printed on the inside back cover of the Syllabus and on the Feis Website. Performers for Senior and Group Classes may be requested to produce photo id.



Performers cannot present themselves for more than one Class at various age levels in any Section ie Piano 12 Years and Under and  Piano 14 Years and Under. In Solo Singing, Performers may only enter for one Class of Voice.



Feis Maitiú allows for Professional Performers to participate in all Senior Classes in which Cups are awarded. Professionals are those who hold a Degree or Diploma in a relevant subject and who receive a regular fee.



The Executive reserves the right to limit, cancel or subdivide any class. Where there is only one entrant in a class that entrant may be offered the option to withdraw and have the fee returned.



Performers must present themselves when called upon and appear on stage in correct order. Performers who are not participating in a class for which they have submitted an entry must notify the Festival Office at least 48 hours in advance. Date and time of class may be changed under exceptional circumstances, providing there is availability at an alternative session. Those who are late and miss their turn will not be offered another place.


A Performer can only appear with one Duo or Group. This rule does not apply to Choir members or Chamber Music groups. Minor characters can only appear with one duo in a Class, and cannot appear as a principal character in that class.



Where a specific edition or key is specified, Performers must present that edition or key.



a) In Classes of own choice, Performers are required to submit copies of works to be performed for the Adjudicator, before the Class begins.

b) Performers and Accompanist are reminded of copy-right and therefore must not play from photocopies.

c) Photocopies may be offered for the Adjudicator but they will be retained and destroyed after the Class.

d) Time Limits must be strictly adhered to.  Performers must state the time of their programme at check-in on the day of the performance.  Those performing over time will have marks deducted.   There is an official time-keeper.

e) Performers may not present the same piece or pieces for more than one Class.

f) A Performance item with which a Performer won a Cup or Trophy may not be presented in a subsequent year.

g) Own Choice Programmes must be suitable and appropriate for performance before a mixed audience, which may include young children.

h) Feis Maitiú is a cross community event and participants are expected to respect all ethnic groups and minorities.

i) All own choice programmes to be introduced by performer.

Failure to comply with any aspect of this regulation may lead to disqualification.




Where the services of the Official Accompanists are required, Performers should contact them by Monday, 21st January, 2025 for Instrumental Classes and Monday, 17th February, 2025 for Vocal Classes.  After these dates the Accompanists are not obliged to play for a Performer. Performers are reminded to contact Official Accompanists as soon as possible.



In all Music and Senior Singing Classes, Performers may be accompanied by a musician of their own choice, except for Classes 51 to 63 and 91 to 93. All  accompanists  must  check-in  with  the  box  office  for  each  class  they  are  assisting  at and will be required to sign the register.



The Adjudicator may, at his or her discretion, interrupt the performance when he or she has formed a judgement. At no time may the Adjudicator be approached, before, during or after a class to discuss decisions or results.



First prize will not be awarded unless a Performer receives at least 85 marks. A second prize will not be awarded unless a Performer receives 80 marks. In a Class where a tie occurs, a sight test may be given. Feis Maitiú uses the Marking Scheme of the British and International Federation of Festivals for Music, Dance and Speech, of which Feis Maitiú is an International Festival Member.

Outstanding     90+           An exceptional performance both technically and artistically.

Distinction       87-89       An excellent performance technically and artistically.

Commended   84-86       A convincing performance technically and artistically.

Merit                 81-83       A capable performance showing some artistic appreciation and/or technical ability.

Moderate         78-80       A performance showing development of technique and/or communication.

Fair                     75-77       A performance limited in its communication.



Unless otherwise stated, the First Prize in all Classes may not be awarded if less than three Performers participate. A Second Prize may not be awarded if less than five perform.



Distinction, Commendation and/or Merit Certificates will only be awarded in cases of exceptional performance at the Adjudicators’ discretion.



Adjudicators’ Reports will be distributed at the end of each Class.



All Performers and their Accompanists are expected to dress appropriately for performance before an audience. Please note changing facilities are not available at the Father Mathew Hall and participants should arrive in costume.



Use of any form of audio or visual recording is STRICTLY PROHIBITED due to copyright legislation and the Safeguarding Policy of the Feis and will lead to immediate disqualification. Copy of the Child Protection Policy is available from the Feis Office, the Feis Website and printed in the Syllabus.

All correspondence with the Feis Office must be accompanied by a stamped addressed envelope and addressed to:

Feis Maitiú, Corcaigh,
Father Mathew Hall, Father Mathew Street, Cork.
Tel: 021 – 4272631
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.feismaitiu.ie
Facebook: FeisMaitiuCorcaigh
Twitter: FeisMaitiuCork    Instagram: FeisMaitiuCork
The above Conditions and Regulations are available on the pdf link below.


2025 Feis Conditions and Regulations available here for download.


Feis Trophies procedure for 2025.

The Cork Feis has 160 Trophies on offer in our 2025 Syllabus and more again in storage.  In many cases these Trophies are in memory of those who have played a significant role in Performing Arts Education in Cork and made a major contribution to the Feis.  They are the history of our event and a connection with the past.  We still have two Trophies from the original Feis in 1927 up for award.  Trophies are important and special.

It is a great honour to win an award at the Feis and more so to win a Trophy as it gives you the opportunity to add your name to the list of alumni before you.  It is a great thrill to recognise names of previous winners and to be part of a very special and unique group.  Trophies are important to the Feis.

However, the Cork Feis, along with Feiseanna and Festivals all over the world, also have a major difficulty with Trophies – getting them back.  Getting them back in time, getting them back clean and not damaged.  We spend a lot of time and resources every year chasing up non returned trophies.  It is a source of frustration and exasperation for Stewards and the Feis, along with other similar events, have tried various methods to try to improve this experience.  It is a constant worry that a Trophy will not be returned in time for the next recipient.

For the 2024 Feis we will continue to give out Trophies, if the winners are happy to take them.  However, we will impose the following condition that will help you enjoy your win, while at the same time limit the added responsibility.

Performers must return the Trophy within a month of receiving the award.  So, for this Feis the Trophy must be returned by the following dates:

MUSIC – 13th March

SINGING – 2nd April

SPEECH & DRAMA – 10th May

This arrangement will give you the time to share your success with family, friends and colleagues.  If you wish to have the Trophy engraved you can get it done during the period you have it or, we can arrange it for you after you return it.

Our Trophies are special and important.   They are of great value and at the core of our Feis.  They are the sole property of the Feis and they must be treated with great respect.  I am confident that you will understand our position and will find this arrangement agreeable.


Timothy McCarthy,

Feis Director.