As you prepare to come to the Feis here are a few reminders of what you will need and how the Feis operates:
Arrive 10 to 15 minutes at most before your class time. If you arrive any earlier, we may not be able to admit or accommodate you until your class time.
Don’t forget to PRINT off and BRING on the day the notification you received from the Feis confirming your date and time of performance.
If you are presenting an own choice programme please bring copy for the Adjudicator (and accompanist, if not already handed over). Please play from ORIGINAL music on stage. Original copies handed up for the Adjudicator will be returned immediately after the class. Do not to forget to collect them from the Box Office.
You do not need to bring copies of set pieces.
Changing facilities are not available at the Father Mathew Hall.
For solo and duo classes you are welcome to bring supporters with you. There is an admission fee of €5 per adult with concessions for children and others. We can accept cash and card payments.
Audio and Visual recording of performances and adjudication ARE NOT PERMITTED. This is part of our Safe Guarding Policy. You are free to take photos on the stage after a class, time permitting.
In most sessions there will be a short break with a shop, tea and coffee facilities available.
Unfortunately, despite our many efforts for the last couple of months, not all Feis Trophies have been returned and we may not have the Cup or Trophy for your particular Class. We are truly sorry about this.
Adjudicator reports will be available from the Box Office immediately after your session.
Please note that parking facilities in the vicinity around the Father Mathew Hall have been severely reduced in the last couple of months with NO PARKING on Father Mathew Street and Morrison’s Island and very restricted on Father Mathew Quay. Please allow enough time to arrive on time. Every effort will be made to run sessions according to the schedule.
Most performers are required to introduce their own choice programmes. Practice this aloud and in advance, you can use notes if you wish. Just speak up and out, aiming your voice to the back of the auditorium. Take your time and don’t rush.
Of course you are going to be nervous on the day, but do not let that take over, or be your focus. Remember you have put a lot of time and effort into your preparations, at the Feis try to relax, enjoy and do you very best. You will be so pleased with yourself afterwards. And if something goes wrong, don’t worry, the adjudicator many not have noticed!!!
We look forward to welcoming you to the Feis over the next few weeks. It can be a stressful time for everyone, but please help and support the Feis staff. We are a very small team, doing our very best to maintain the standards that we hold for ourselves.
If you have any ideas or would like to come and help us, then please make yourself know to Tim, the Feis Director. He really needs all the help he can get!!!!!