TY Work Experience at the Feis

We have some vacancies for TY students looking for work experience positions during our Speech and Drama Section of the Feis on the following dates: 13th - 15th March (Irish speaker preferred) 21st - 24th March 27th, 30th and 31st March These dates can be mixed and matched to suit students. If interested please email: [...]

TY Work Experience at the Feis2023-02-19T20:00:08+00:00

Feis Office closed until 21st February

Please note that the Feis Office is now closed for the mid-term break. We will be watching our email account, so if you need to contact us please do so to our email address at: [email protected] The Feis will resume on Tuesday, 21st Feb. at 9:30am with the Vocal section of our 2023 programme.

Feis Office closed until 21st February2023-02-12T09:04:19+00:00

Instrumental Music Results

The 2023 Feis Maitiú Instrumental Music Results are announced.   List of 2023 Instrumental Music Prizewinners available here. Last night we concluded the Instumental section of our 2023 Feis. A very special and sincere thank you to all the performers, their families and teachers for supporting our event. Thank you to our insightful and encouraging adjudicators; [...]

Instrumental Music Results2023-02-12T09:01:42+00:00

Instrumental Adjudicator – Mr. Richard Deering

We are delighted to welcome to Cork our Instrumental Adjudicator Mr. Richard Deering: RICHARD DEERING FTCL, GTCL, LRAM, ARCM, PGCA Richard has been an adjudicator member of the British and International Federation of Festivals for well over 30 years, adjudicating at an average of 12 festivals a year, including many overseas festivals, as a piano [...]

Instrumental Adjudicator – Mr. Richard Deering2023-02-06T17:58:02+00:00

Music and Drama Resources

We are decluttering some of our Music and Drama resources.  If you are interested in any of the books you are welcome to take away with you.  (You might like to make a small donation to the Feis, but that is not compulsory!) 31st January - 5th February: Piano Music 6th - 11th February: String [...]

Music and Drama Resources2023-02-02T04:43:27+00:00

Instrumental Adjudicator – Mr. Adrina Goss

We welcome to Cork our Instrumental Adjudicator Mr. Adrian Goss: Tenor soloist and vocal coach, pianist, clarinettist, organist and choral director, Adrian studied piano and clarinet at the Royal Academy of Music, and later, vocal studies at the Guildhall School of Music & Drama, and holds a degree in composition of the University of Durham. [...]

Instrumental Adjudicator – Mr. Adrina Goss2023-02-02T04:33:43+00:00

Feis Trophies procedure for 2023.

The Cork Feis has 160 Trophies on offer in our 2023 Syllabus and more again in storage.  In many cases these Trophies are in memory of those who have played a significant role in Performing Arts Education in Cork and made a major contribution to the Feis.  They are the history of our event and [...]

Feis Trophies procedure for 2023.2023-01-26T11:16:52+00:00

Feis Update – Speech and Drama

The official programme for the SPEECH AND DRAMA section of the 2023 Feis is announced.  Copy of the Speech and Drama programme is available here. Speech and Drama notificaitons will be sent out starting on Monday, 16th Jan.  It will take a few days to conplete this so you may not receive all noticaitions at [...]

Feis Update – Speech and Drama2023-01-25T16:18:22+00:00

Feis Update

ALL notifications for the INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC Section of the Feis have been sent out. Please check email account of original entry. Also look in spam/junk folder. Mark [email protected] as a safe email address on your system. If you require the assistance of the Official Accompanists, please contact them immediately. VOCAL notifications will be sent out [...]

Feis Update2023-01-09T10:53:54+00:00

Feis 2023 Updates

Happy New Year! The official programme for the Instrumental Section of the Feis is announced.  Copy of Instrumental programme available here. The list of official accompanists for the Instrumental Section of the Feis is announced.  Copy of Instrumental Official Accompanists available here. The official programme for the Vocal Section of the Feis is announced.  Copy of [...]

Feis 2023 Updates2023-01-04T10:45:10+00:00
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