

Performers are reminded to consult Regulations Nos. 5, 12, 20 and 21.

Conditions for Duologues Classes 307 – 313 (not 306):

1. Only two principal characters may take part in each scene. Minor characters may appear if necessary, but must be eligible for age group and can only perform with one duo.

2. A principal character in one duo cannot appear as a minor character with another duo in the same class.

3. Time limit for each scene includes setting up and striking of stage.

4. The Setting will be neutral, costumes and props. may be used. Lighting effects are not permitted.

5. There must be no delay in change over from group to group.

6. Performers to give a brief introduction to the scene, introducing characters, setting context and stating purpose of the scene within the play/novel. The introduction is included in the time limit.

7. Scenes must be suitable and appropriate for performance before a mixed audience, which may include young children.